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Monday, November 22, 2010

Billy Bragg 12" Talking to the Taxman about Poetry

This was the second Billy Bragg album I bought and the one that cemented my absolute and undying love for the man. It was mid the late 80's and I was listening to LOTS of hardcore and after Lifes a Riot with Spy Vs Spy (which is also an incredible album) I got this and ......... well, it blew me away.

His lyrics are amazing and while some find his style and signing too annoying, you really need to look past that. Levi Stubbs tears is STILL one of the greatest pieces of artwork ..... EVER. Such a perfectly formed song in every way. A tragic, beautifully written story set to a beautiful piece of music (B minor IS the saddest chord Billy)
If you don't have this album. BUY IT. Tim

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