Located at 5E Winn street, Fortitude Valley. We have a big range of new and second hand 12 and 7" vinyl, CD's, T shirts and posters. We stock local independent music and support Australian and international independent music.

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Fugazi - In On The Kill Taker 12"

I go back and forth between this and 'End Hits' as my favourite Fugazi album, but everyone seems to like different ones. Ultimately they're all pretty special, and all contain fantastic songs, and great guitar work. To me this one sounds a little colder and a bit more harsh than the others but in a good way.

Never got to see them live. Which totally sucks.

And yet I believe every bit of hyperbole. Geordie.

We have 'In On The Kill Taker' in stock for $20, and most of rest of the Fugazi catalogue as well. Contact Tym Guitars for more info.

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