Located at 5E Winn street, Fortitude Valley. We have a big range of new and second hand 12 and 7" vinyl, CD's, T shirts and posters. We stock local independent music and support Australian and international independent music.

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Fugazi - Repeater 12"

 My friend Lucas was always trying to get me to listen to this album, and when I finally did they didn't do anything for me. But he kept persisting, putting them on in the background when we'd hang out and then all of a sudden one day it clicked. In a big way. All of a sudden of the hyperbole I'd been subjected to by him and others all made sense. In the next month I got the rest of their albums on CD and listened to little else for quite some time.

Everything about this record kicks arse. While they weren't experimenting with tones and textures as much as they would with subsequent albums like Red Medicine and The Argument, this is a fantastic guitar album. The rhythm section of Fugazi is also top notch, and it's a shame that in a lot of circles this is band is more discussed for their politics, as I reckon these people are missing out on some great tunes. Personal favourites would be Merchandise, Blueprint, Sieve-Fisted Find and Shut the Door, in case you were wondering.

We have this new on vinyl in stock for $18. Contact Tym Guitars for more info.

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