Located at 5E Winn street, Fortitude Valley. We have a big range of new and second hand 12 and 7" vinyl, CD's, T shirts and posters. We stock local independent music and support Australian and international independent music.

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Screaming Tribesmen 12" Date with a Vampire

Man, this record was BIG amongst my friends and made a huge impact on the Brisbane music scene back in '85. I seemed to cross the line with punk and goth. There's 4 crackin' songs on this EP that was produced by Chris Masuak who also played on the album. Murray Shepherd (Brads brother) was gone on drums by this stage and they had moved to Sydney but we still thought of them as Brisbane band.

The intro to the title songs still evokes memories of being young and going out to see bands in Brisbane somehow.Tim

We have a copy of this 12" in stock now. Contact Tym guitars for more info.

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