Located at 5E Winn street, Fortitude Valley. We have a big range of new and second hand 12 and 7" vinyl, CD's, T shirts and posters. We stock local independent music and support Australian and international independent music.

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Undead Apes - Grave Consequences 12"

Best 12" released by a Brisbane band since Draft Dodger's 'First Past The Last Post'??? Buggered if I can't think of a better one right now so I'll say yes, it is. Eleven obnoxiously catchy songs by four people who have been in other great bands of note, but this completely stands on it's own. Infectious three + chord songs that somewhere between the Ramones and Weezer, with fantastic lyrics. I've been hanging for the release of this for months. Top picks - Taxes, Bitter and Hypothermia (this one even makes spelling fun!!!).

Another quality release from the Mere Noise lads who keep kicking goals. Also comes with a download code so you can whack it on your iPod and ignore that annoying shit talking on his phone next to you on the bus.

Instore now. Contact Tym Guitars for additional information.

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