Located at 5E Winn street, Fortitude Valley. We have a big range of new and second hand 12 and 7" vinyl, CD's, T shirts and posters. We stock local independent music and support Australian and international independent music.

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stiff Little Fingers 12" Inflamable Material

I got this in my first wave of punk. It was loud, noisy and angry and I loved it. These boys from Northern Ireland were the opposite of the Undertones. I think this album did well for an independent release and it certainly influenced a lot of snotty punk bands to follow.

I got "Nobody's Heroes" and "Go For It" after this one but never followed them after that. I think they still play today ? This is an awesome punk album and should be in everyone's collection. Worth the admission price for "Suspect Device" alone. Tim

We have a copy of this 12" in stock now. Contact Tym guitars for more info.

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